EuroReview 5. Parallel Vienna

He was selling ice cream at a stand, but before the customer received it, he would hand it to his large drag queen friend who licked it first. When the customer said “You can’t do that, the drag queen replied, “Sure I can – now it’s sculpture!”

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Tatyana Grechina
EuroReview 4. Raw Matters

At the end the hostesses themselves came out on stage in sparkly leotards atop florescent tights and capped with running shoes, throwing balloons and opening champagne for everyone in the audience.

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Tatyana Grechina
EuroReview 1. De Bovenkamer

Being that somehow I happened to pair my timing perfectly with the end of summer/early fall season - when all of the slumbering arts were beginning to wake with a fury - I stumbled upon some of the most interesting installations, spoken word and theater nights of the year.

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Tatyana GrechinaComment
Happiness, Success, and Being an Artist

That perfect, gestural line, crisp as it whips down along the curves and angles it defines. A smudge of thick lavender icing beside electric lemon smoke. The smell of fresh cut wood and mineral spirits; of doughy, old oil paint. This. Is. The. Shit. That. Matters.

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Tatyana Grechina
It's Okay to Surrender// on Retrogrades

It's sort of know when an anxiety prone pup in a crate starts working himself up and keeps barking and barking until eventually he works himself into such a frenzy that there's no going back and he's hurting himself on the door trying to get out? Yeah, it's exactly like that.

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Tatyana Grechina Comment
Admire. Brat. Best Friend. Love

My intent was to do a shoot that showcased their natural beauty sans the heavy, contoured makeup that makes girls look far beyond their years nowadays. I wanted to capture that fleeting, playful spirit that lingered in their waning summer days of girlhood.

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Tatyana Grechina